We enable consumers to nourish their lives through products we have made beautifully for generations.

Trusted for generations
With over 80 years of expertise, we create some of the world's most trusted dairy products.
Natural, creamy flavour
Milk from pasture-raised cows gives our products a natural, rich and creamy taste.
Consistent quality
Our commitment to quality and consistency ensures reliability of supply without variation in the end product.
Westgold Butter
Crafted on New Zealand's West Coast, loved around the world. Westgold butter is traditionally churned from fresh cream using the time-honoured Fritz Churn method resulting in a rich flavour and creamier texture.
Packaging options
Westgold Butter is available
in 250g, 400g and 227g (8oz) retail formats
in both Salted and
Unsalted variants.
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Westgold UHT Milk
Westgold UHT Milk is processed in our state-of-the-art Tetra Pak facility in Rolleston.
UHT Whole Milk is made from fresh milk, ultra-heat treated for a long shelf-life using a single-step indirect heating method.
Packaging Options
Available in:
250mL Tetra Prisma® pack
with telescopic straw
(easy open carton of 24)
1L Tetra Brik® pack with
HelicapTM 23 for ease of
opening, pouring and
reclosing (carton of 12)
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Westgold Cream
Our UHT Whipping Cream is suitable for a range of applications.
From filling and decorating cakes, desserts and pastries, to sauces, dressings and soups.
Packaging options
Our cream is available in a 1L Tetra Brik.
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Contract Butter
Our advanced packing systems enable us to produce a variety of sizes in your brand.
Packaging options
We currently produce
any of the following
butter pat sizes:
227g, 250g,
400g, 454g, 500g, 1kg,
retail formats
Salted & Unsalted.
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Contract UHT Milk
We offer a variety of UHT product and package variants to suit your requirements.
Packaging Options
Available in:
250mL Tetra Prisma® pack
with telescopic straw.
1L Tetra Brik® pack with
HelicapTM 23 for ease of
opening, pouring and
reclosing (carton of 12).
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